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Showing posts from 2013

Writing fast & maintainable integration tests using test double, in-memory db, jetty, maven and spring

Writing an integration test which test end to end flow of your application can become cumbersome activity if you really hitting real db and services. The best way to mock, test double your external dependencies and thus speed up your test execution. I created a dummy map-service project which demonstrate about writing maintainable and speedy integration tests using mocking, test double pattern, spring and automating them using maven and jetty. You can find the project at my github location: Here are some code snippets explaining the important steps in configuring your project. POM - Configure jetty for deploying your app and running tests against it. . org.mortbay.jetty jetty-maven-plugin ${jettyVersion} /${project.artifactId} 8005 STOP 5 true 8080 60000 start-jetty pre-integration-test run 0 true stop-jetty post-integration...

Code Kata - good way to learn new language

Recently, I started exploring and learning Scala and functional programming. So far, it is a good experience and as a programmer gives you new "functional" thought process about problem. The best way to learn Scala or any language for that matter is to start writing Katas in that language. Coding Kata, if you're not familiar with it then must visit . In short, coding kata is programming practice mostly done in TDD way, which makes you better programmer. BTW, If you're wondering where are my katas in Scala, you can find them here:

A Day of Innovation: TomTom Pune DevDay 2013

Friday (6 April 2013) was a day of innovation and engineering, fun and quiz, it was a first TomTom Pune Engineering DevDay. Key Highlights of the day: Kick started with U2 public concert video, a good way to wakeup people. Many speaker talked about how we can extend and experiment with our new generation map editing tool Cartopia I talked about function programming and how we can achieve it using Scala. There were coffee breaks with testers which showcase some really cool technologies like puppet, test automation using FlexPilot and risk based testing's. Day end with exciting quiz, prize distribution and beer :) If you want to be a part of next TomTom devday, join us